Monday, September 9, 2013

Multiplicity Shot, Photo By: Paulina Hernandez
                                                                                                                                                                                     To  get this type of photo, I had to take three separate   photos of my classmate, in each photo she had to be in three different places, if she was not in different places then the photo would not look as if the picture was taken only once .In order to create a photo like this I had to go on photo shop and stack the photos together I had to cut her out using the marquee tool and paste her on to the first photo and continue  this process until I have made the three pictures into only one single picture. While I was out shooting photos of her, I had to think about how she should be positioned and how the results would look once I finished editing it. I am satisfied with the result of the final of the final photo. The thing I love most about this photo is that it looks as if there are triplets. I hope later on this year, as I learn more about photography, I can improve in this technique by adding more than three people onto one photo.

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